Every year, between 4,000 and 5,000 people report to The Hague’s homeless counter for help. Unfortunately, due to insufficient shelters, not everyone receives assistance. This is a great opportunity for us to draw extra attention to this.
Not only are there not enough shelters, the shelter system is also designed in such a way that many people don’t meet the established criteria to get a place in a shelter. Recently, the Street Consulate saw a strong rise in the number of requests for tents and sleeping bags.

Of course, this is not a permanent solution, but it does provide a temporary solution for those who are forced to spend the night outside.
Team Korff de Gidts
As part of our 100th anniversary, we are donating a sleeping bag and tent with every sale and purchase we make.
Of course, this is not a solution, but only a stopgap measure. In fact, the tents and sleeping bags don't solve the problem, but it does help people who are forced to spend the night outside, easing the nights for homeless people a little bit.